посвящается SRV (Stevie Ray Vaughan) - последнему герою 20-го века...
понятно, что первый блин - комом, но я старался...
HUGE THANKS to the following persons (beg my pardon if I missed someone! please! ):
boneyfrog (creator of "blue_eyed" theme)
P.S. all updates will be available by using links below. in case of broken link - just let me know. thanks.
SRV theme updated version 0.2h:
________new in 0.2i________
* 'efm_nav' and 'efm_path' support added
________new in 0.2h________
* NEW BORDER TYPE. I call it "rio", because the idea was "stolen" in Plan9 window system.
Border support "resize" in all directions except by "dragging" the top border (and there's no "resize corners" for the top-left and the top-right ones). I hope that this will suit the needs of "tiled window lovers" :).
________new in 0.2g_fix1_____
* iBar animation improved
* drag'n'drop window icon to iBar enabled
* other minor fixes...
________new in 0.2g__________
* new 'iBar' focus animation and font color
* new 'iBox' font color with default animation for easy recognition between iBox and iBar items
________new in 0.2f1___(it's a bugfix only!)____
* fixed proper scaling of right upper window corner...
________new in 0.2f__________
* I don't know how, but I made round corners... (never thought I can do it, heh)
________new in 0.2e__________
* new 'efm' tricks (glows on selection)
* new "cover" for 'cpu' module
* 'cpu' and 'tclock' modules are included into the theme "configs"
* new mime.types are added for 'efm' (yep, size grows day by day)
* minor shelf customization
* some 'pager' module experiments (solid background added)
________new in 0.2d__________
* 'efm' toolbar added
* minor fixes and animation improvements...
* bacground scaling now up to 2048x1536
________new in 0.2c__________
* display of filenames in 'efm' now limited to the horizontal size of icon
________new in 0.2b__________
* 'net' module is adjusted to work with transparent shelf;
* new ( ? simplified ? ) scrollbar, sliders, slider buttons etc.;
* new 'cpufreq' module (from 'gant' theme);
* increased size of a 'net' module popup;
* some animation added to the background and configuration dialog;
* narroved focus window up to a single pixel :).
________new in 0.2__________
* fresh smell of "napalm in the morning" added (always wanted some "burn'em Stevie")
________new in 0.1.9__________
* added "efm" customization
* button image changed
________new in 0.1.8__________
* completely redesigned titlebar
* active window titlebar buttons and icon animation
* minor changes in "winlist" and "exebuf" modules
* adjusted vertical shelf SRV background
* minor fixes...
________new in 0.1.7a__________
* noresize_dialog border fixed...
* funny animated border's titlebar
* I don't know... frankly speaking I achieved the goal to build a theme almost from scratch, because my starting point was a heavily aged Cthulhain theme (it was actual God knows how many years ago). During this exercise I discovered even some pieces of the "lost code" (thanks to "boneyfrog" for the clue, cause I just glared at the source code without any any desire to summarize 2 and 2). Just mail me if you wish any feature to be implemented (it's really possible with superior edje tricks)!
* the look of "net" module slightly changed (imported from "smoke" theme and popup background is changed)
* "forecasts" module is imported from "darkness" theme and popup background is changed (lost pieces of gadman code are up both for "net" and "forecasts")
* kind of "watermark" is added into menu backgroung
* cpu optimization in "Enlightenment" -> "About"
* animated "Enlightenment" -> "Theme" (very modest frankly speaking)
* added SRV icon in "Configuration Panel"...
* may be some kind of animation for border titles or border controls (like in "smoke" or like it was in "Lucax" theme from e-live or "mix all together")...
* theme background is animated,
* new look of "exebuf" and "winlist"
* a little improvements in overall design...
* customize the look of modules
SRV ETK theme added version 0.1.5 (looks like "ready for production usage":)):
and here are some screenshots: